Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Knew I Could Count On My Dad!

You never met my Dad. He died many years ago. He was quite a character. My siblings and I used to tease that if there was anyone who would "come back", it would be The Ole Man. Well, I was cleaning my bedroom this morning. I have a Snowbaby figurine on Papa's dresser. I believe Amanda's Mom gave it to me many years ago. It is a little girl snowbaby angel (look closely for her halo) playing a harp. Anyone who knows me, knows I love harps. I even use a picture of one on the back of all the invitations and announcements I make for all of you. Harp was your great grandfather's nickname. That is why I love harps! For some reason after I dusted the figurine, I looked at the bottom of it. As soon as I read what it said, I knew Amanda is fine. She is with Harpy. This was his message to me. And I know he will take great care of her. Harpy was one of those "one in a million" grandfathers. He always made sure his grandchildren were happy, safe and spoiled. The pictures of my precious figurine are below. You tell me what you think!

Hugs and kisses,

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