Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yesterday with Alex

We had so much fun yesterday with Alex. He ate like a little piggy, as usual. Then all he wanted was "outside." Papa put him in the stroller and walked over to see the cows and horses. Alex saw lots of cows, but there were "no horsies." Then it was on to playing baseball, swinging, writing with chalk and just having fun. Papa traced Alex's form in chalk on the driveway. It was a beautiful, sunny Monday with temperatures high in the 80's.
Hugs and kisses,

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 2009 - Such Fun

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Easter day began at Kristen and Corey's for brunch. When we got there, Kara and Emily were still upstairs. Little did we know Mom and Dad were trying to talk Miss Emily into wearing her Easter outfit, which is just like Kara's. But she would have no part of it and chose to wear a sweet sundress, about 1/4th as pretty as her Easter dress. Well, what can you do. Of course, the four of you had to look through the Easter baskets from Nana and Papa. Everyone seemed happy with what they got. Then we has brunch, which was delicious and enjoyed only by the Moms, Dads and Nana and Papa. Our darling grandchildren were too full with candy. Surprise! Surprise! Next was the Easter egg hunt. It is really the best part of the day. It even brought a smile to Miss Emily's face. This is the first Easter I have seen Alex and Emily so excited. The day was definitely enjoyed by all.

Hugs and kisses,

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Has Sprung......

This is the graphic on my latest calendar. I just think the pictures are so cute, I had to add it to your blog. Your sweet faces make my day happy. Eventually I am going to have this blog printed for each of you. Like my Dad always told me, "It is all about memories."
Hugs and kisses,

Friday, April 3, 2009

Grandparents' Day with Kara - 2009

Kara's Grandparents Day began with Connie, Ken and I meeting Casey and Maggie, both good friends of hers. We then got to watch Kara decorate a bag which would become the temporary home to a bear which would be given to a child who is sick.

Ironically enough, Ray was in the hospital. He sent Kara a special bear to take his place that day. Of course, it is a Webkinz, Kara's favorite!

Kara's teacher explained what her class day is like. We then got to go to the gym and see Kara in action. It was fun watching all the various exercises the kids do. But the most fun was watching Kara try to ride the stationary bicycle. There was no way she could sit on the seat and work the peddles.

All in all, we all had a great time and look forward to next years special day for Nana, Papa, Grandma and Grandpa.
Hugs and kisses,